Use of repeaters to expand the primary network, Figure 5-9 – Innotech Genesis II Digital Controller (v5) User Manual

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Genesis II Installation Instructions

© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2010

Chapter 5 – Network Installation

1 2 3 4

- - - - -

29 30 31 32

Port 2 of the Repeater is one of the 32 nodes on this network

Port 1 of the Repeater is one of the 32 nodes on this network

1 2 3 4

- - - - -

29 30 31 32

1 2 3 4

- -

- -

29 30 31 32



5-3.5.1 Genesis II Comms Wiring Connections

There are a number of rules that apply to the comms connection of a Genesis II System network:

1. The screen must be continuous.

2. Only one point earthed on the screen.

3. Even if a network has a number of devices with a soft earth, one hard earth is still required on

that network.

4. The Net and Global networks should have the same length cable run and path.

5. If a Innotech Repeater is installed, each side of that repeater is a separate network and each

requires a bonded earth connection on the screen.

6. Using isolated devices, devices with isolated comms cards or using an isolated MPI does not

alter any of these rules.

7. There are no End of Line termination (EOL) requirements on the primary network.

The maximum possible number of devices on one section of cable is 31. Through the use of Innotech Repeaters, the

maximum Genesis II System Devices allowed on a network is 128.


The maximum possible number of devices on one section of cable is 31. Through the use of Innotech Repeaters, the

maximum Genesis II System Devices allowed on a network is 128.


Figure 5-9:  Use of Repeaters to expand the Primary Network