HP 2830 User Manual
Page 326

output options 44
preprinted forms 46
selecting 22
specifications 23
transparencies 48
tray selection 40
troubleshooting 243
wrinkled 241
Configuration page 179
deleting faxes 108
expansion slots 4
fax storage 4
part numbers 275
reprinting faxes 107
memory cards
printing pictures, troubleshooting 265
troubleshooting 264
memory cards, photo
inserting 134
Memory Enhancement technology (MEt) 7
mercury specifications 295
control panel 217
messages, error 217
Microsoft Windows. See Windows
Microsoft Word, faxing from 84
models 4
monitors, color matching 60
multiple pages per sheet 41
multipurpose tray. See tray 1
N-up printing 41
Network Settings tab, HP Toolbox 185
Neutral Grays options 59
noise specifications 288
non-HP print cartridges 205
number of copies, changing 70
OCR software
installing 129
on-site service agreements 285
on/off switch, locating 9
one-touch keys, fax
deleting all 101
list of, printing 190
programming 98, 99
online customer support v
online help
operating environment, specifications 288
operating systems supported 14
optical character recognition software
installing 129
optional tray 2. See tray 2
options. See settings
ordering supplies and accessories v, 274
originals, loading
OS/2 support 14
output bins
output quality
cleaning page, printing 193
copy, troubleshooting 251
print, troubleshooting 234, 235
scans, troubleshooting 247, 249
specifications 6
outside lines
dial prefixes 103
pauses, inserting 102
overhead transparencies
specifications 23, 48
ozone specifications 294
page-by-page scanning (Macintosh) 125
blank 245
not printing 246
printing slowly 245
skewed 240, 244
pages per minute 4, 6
pages per sheet 41
ADF, sizes supported 259
colored 46
curled, troubleshooting 240
custom-sized 45
default size, changing 32
fax autoreduction settings 96
first page, different 49
glossy 46
heavy 47
HP, part numbers 278
jams 228
loading trays 28
long 28
multiple pages per sheet 41
output options 44
preprinted 46
selecting 22
specifications 23
tough, HP LaserJet 48
tray selection 40
troubleshooting 243
wrinkled 241