144 qos qce refresh – PLANET WGSW-48040HP User Manual
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Command Guide of WGSW-48040HP
[ pcp-dei {
| af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 |
cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | va } | default } ] [ policy {
qos Quality of Service
qce QoS Control Entry
update Update an existing QCE
action Setup action
dmac Setup matched DMAC
frame-type Setup matched frame type
interface Interfaces
last Place QCE at the end
next Place QCE before the next QCE ID
smac Setup matched SMAC
tag Setup tag options
Usage Guide:
To update the QCE
To update the QCE 1 (DMAC: Unicast, Action: Cos 0).
Switch# configure terminal
Switch (config)# qos qce update 1 dmac unicast action cos 0
4.2.144 qos qce refresh
qos qce refresh
qos Quality of Service
qce QoS Control Entry
refresh Refresh QCE tables in hardware
Usage Guide:
To refresh the QCE
- FNSW-1601 (2 pages)
- FNSW-1601 (2 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (2 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (110 pages)
- FGSW-1816HPS (105 pages)
- WGSD-10020HP (16 pages)
- GS-5220-16S8CR (432 pages)
- FGSD-1022P (226 pages)
- FGSD-1022P (12 pages)
- FGSD-910P (28 pages)
- FGSW-1602RS (30 pages)
- FGSW-2402S (39 pages)
- FGSW-2620PVS (50 pages)
- FGSW-2624SF (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (213 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (2 pages)
- FGSW-2624SF (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620VM (96 pages)
- FGSW-2620 (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (80 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (2 pages)
- FGSW-2620CS (81 pages)
- FGSW-2840 (2 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (263 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (2 pages)
- FGSW-4840S (38 pages)
- FNSW-1600P (20 pages)
- FNSW-1600S (33 pages)
- FNSW-2400PS (2 pages)
- FNSW-2400PS (70 pages)
- FNSW-1602S (43 pages)
- FNSW-2402S (39 pages)
- FNSW-4800 (2 pages)
- FNSW-2401CS (38 pages)
- FSD-1604 (12 pages)
- FSD-2405 (18 pages)
- FSD-1606 (2 pages)
- FSD-803 (2 pages)
- FSD-803 (2 pages)
- FSD-504HP (2 pages)
- FSD-805ST (20 pages)
- FSD-804P (21 pages)
- FSD-808P (20 pages)
- FSD-808P (22 pages)