Index 12 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 408

Index 12
QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Setting machine zero 338
Setting serial port, machine zero and general
parameters 337
Setting the display of resolution, time and date 330
Setting up programming parameters 314
Setting up the video probes 340
Setup 299
Setup of the video probe system 116
Setup parameters 36
Sharing axes 350
Showing a note with a feature 270
Showing full fi le names 336
Showing headers and footers 232
Showing parents of constructed features in a
different color 325
Showing the feature name 270
Showing the last edge position in the DRO 330
Showing the measurement reference frame 29
Showing the probe position 29
Show position indicator 32
Show reference frame indicator 33
Sigma 271
Sigma factor 271
Similar steps 280
Simple data chart 221
Simple probe 78, 85, 87, 105, 135
Simple zeroing of the DRO axis positions 339
Single-stepping program execution 288
Single monitor 16
Size 80
Size of text 234
Skew 63, 132
Skew alignment 140
Skew and datum 67, 110, 251
Skew compensation 132
Slots 151
Soft edge 125
Sorting data 230
Sound 255, 273
Sounds during program execution 315
Special program steps 272
Special steps 45, 255
Specifying automatic redraw of part view 323
Specifying a deadband 351
Specifying a fi ltration error limit 271
Specifying a fi ltration standard deviation
range 271
Specifying encoder count direction 331
Specifying encoder parameters 331
Specifying encoder reference marks 331
Specifying encoder resolution 331
Specifying encoder unit of measure 331
Specifying feature display defaults 320
Specifying feature selection zones size 322
Specifying fi le names, locations and backups 332
Specifying measurement indications to
display 164
Specifying normal and fi ne velocities 352
Specifying the axis motion profi le 352
Specifying the headers and footers for part view
printing 326
Specifying the maximum number of measurement
points 321
Specifying the maximum program
executions 317
Specifying the minimum number of measurement
points 321
Specifying the point feature size 322
Speech output 236
Square and rectangular shapes 239
Stacking and separating templates 18
Standard deviation range 271
Starting measure magic automatically 320
Starting program recording 251
Starting program recording automatically 314
Startup message 300
Statusbar 5, 58
Statusbar defi nition 10
Status bar information 308
Status data 10
Steps 278
Step selections 281
Stop sign 103
Straightness tolerance 211
Strongest contrast edge 125
Style and size of text 234
Supervisor setup 38, 299
Supervisor setup parameters 36
Super steps 282
System and part condition 77