Index 3 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 399

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Index 3
CNC functions 36
CNC mode 275
CNC mode steps 45
CNC motor operation 37
CNC movement warnings 315
CNC servo motor 1
CNC stepper motor 1
Colors 301
Color list items 301
Color of text 234
Columns 230
Comma separated variable (.csv) fi le 63
Comment 255, 272
Compensating for camera skew 132
Complete a measurement 284
COM port 337
Concentricity tolerances 211
Confi guring joystick and footswitch buttons 327
Confi guring measurement parameters 320
Confi guring the highest magnifi cation 121
Confi guring the lower magnifi cations 121
Constructed features 325
Constructing a datum zero point 142
Constructing features 172, 283
Continuous probe fi ring 52, 83, 362
Contrast values 126
Controlling program execution 287
Coordinate system 11, 17, 58
Coordinate zero 12
Copy 42, 45
Copying, pasting and deleting program steps 285
Corrections 347
Counter setup 292
Counter window 292
Counts in the wrong direction 356
Count direction 296
Create preliminary skew and datum 110
Create video probes 105
Creating an arc 199
Creating a circle 198
Creating a datum automatically 110
Creating a distance 198
Creating a line 197
Creating a new template 39
Creating a point 197
Creating custom toolbars 313
Creating custom workspaces 59
Creating features 196
Creating programs 250
Creating the buffer probe 106
Creating the circle probe 106
Creating a new part 251
Creating the simple probe 105
Creating the worm probe 107
Creating toolbars 57
Crosshair 85, 135, 266
Crosshair probe rotation 344
Current position values 350
Cursor 32
Curvature 290
Customizing output 3
Customize menu 53
Customizing and creating toolbars 57
Customizing colors 301
Customizing toolbars 309
Custom toolbars 313
Custom workspaces 59
Cut 42, 45
Cutting, copying, pasting and deleting program
steps 285
Cutting steps 285
Database 219
Database content 18
Data collection parameters 135
Data points 270
Data shifts during profi le fi t analyses 161
Date 58, 330
Datum 22, 63, 67, 110, 251
Datum menu 35
Datum zero point 141
DDE output 24, 45, 48, 243
Deadband 290, 351
Default template contains unwanted data or
formatting 360
Delete current part 24
Delete selection 42, 45, 48, 50
Deleting columns 230