HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 258

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Deleting text
Each text frame of a header or footer can be deleted individually. To delete a text frame, click on the text
to highlight it, press the computer’s delete key to delete the text.
Enabling text to speech output
Measurement results can be
spoken by the system’s Win-
dows speech to text function
as tests are conducted. This is
useful when performing manual
tests or performing setup tasks
because it allows the operator
to focus on part measurements
without needing to watch the
computer screen. To enable
text to speech outputs:
1 Right-click the template
titlebar and then click Template Properties to display the Template Properties dialog box.
2 Click the Misc tab, check the Speak Results box and then click OK.
Adding graphics from files
Bitmapped (BMP) graphics files can be added to headers and footers to provide additional information or
enhance the appearance of reports. To add a BMP graphic from a file:
1 Right-click inside the report header
and click Add Image. The Add Image
file dialog box will be displayed.
It might be necessary to increase the
available space inside the header to
accommodate the new graphic image.
Simply click and drag boundary lines to
increase the header size.
Right-click in the header space then click Add Image