Index 7 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 403

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Index 7
Icon size 53
Identical parts 260
Identical parts organized into a consistent
matrix 262
Illumination system 363
Image 255, 274
Image captures 349
Image in the live video window 363
Image processing 363
Import 23
Importing features 252
Importing from a drawing fi le 160
Imports 333
Import fi le formats 23
Including probes and points in live video
image captures 349
Initial program settings 265
Initial setup of the video probe system 116
Inserting breakpoints to pause program
execution 287
Inserting new program steps 286
Inside and outside material surfaces 163
Interaction with the operator 273
Irregular features 101
Joystick 37, 350, 351
Joystick and footswitch buttons 327
Joystick functions 37
Joystick motion control 350
Joystick setup 290
Joystick teach wizard 351
Landmark features 110
Language 36
Larger video window 348
Last edge position in the DRO 330
Last part 339
Left or right justifying label text 48
Level-based button functions 327
Leveling the part (optional) 95, 139
Lighting with magnifi cations 77
Light adjustment 77
Light conditions 260
Light control 77, 267
Light control slider values 267
Limiting maximum axis velocity 290
Limit switch setup 292
Lines 147, 238
Lines constructed from a circle and an arc 182
Lines constructed from a circle and a slot 183
Lines constructed from a line and an arc 181
Lines constructed from a line and a circle 181
Lines constructed from a line and a slot 181
Lines constructed from a point and an arc 179
Lines constructed from a point and a circle 179
Lines constructed from a point and a line 178
Lines constructed from two circles 182
Lines constructed from two lines 180
Line constructed from a line 178
Line constructed from a line and an angle 182
Line constructed from a line and a distance 180
Line constructed from a point and a slot 179
Line constructed from a slot 183
Line constructed from two arcs 183
Line constructed from two blobs 184
Line constructed from two points 178
Line constructed from two slots 183, 184, 190
Line width 97
Live video image captures 349
Live video window 15, 51, 249, 363
Live video window menus 51
LMC tolerances 209
Loading a video chart 115
Locking part fi les 319
Locking programming functions 318
Locking results window contents 318
Locking supervisor settings 319
Locking template functions 318
Locking the DRO datuming 318
Locking the run mode in program execution 318
Locking the status bar contents 318
Locking user settings 319
Locking window position and size 318
Lower magnifi cations 121
Low contrast edges 125