Qc5200 series user’s guide – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 184
QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Assigning measurement tolerances
Bilateral or unilateral tolerances can be assigned to profile measurements. Bilateral tolerances can be equal
or unequal. Click the Tolerance button to display the tolerance zone dialog box.
Equal bilateral tolerances
Bilateral tolerance values will be centered around the edges of the nominal profile. For example, an equal
bilateral tolerance of 0.005 will be applied as ±0.0025.
Check the Bilateral box and enter
the desired tolerance value into the
Tolerance data field for equal bilat-
eral tolerances.
Unequal tolerances
Unequal bilateral or unilateral tol-
erance values are specified by the
user for In-material and Out-material tolerances. The example below shows a bore with different In-mate-
rial and Out-material tolerances.
Clear the Bilateral box and enter
the desired In-material and Out-
material tolerance values in the data
fields provided.
Tolerances can be applied to up to
5 different (Form) areas of the part
profile. To apply a tolerance to an
area, select the area using the mouse cursor in the Measure Profile window, then apply a tolerance as
shown above. Tolerance (Form) areas can be displayed and edited by clicking the Tools/Tolerance/Profile
menu item.
An equal bilateral tolerance of 0.005 is applied as ±0.0025
Unequal bilateral tolerances are applied as +0.003 and -0.001
Selected areas...
can be assigned different tolerances that are shown and edited in the
Advanced Profile Tolerance Results screen