HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 371

Supervisor Setup
Specifying the maximum form error for a valid pixel calibration
The pixel resolution must be calibrated for each magnification to ensure accurate measurement results.
These calibrations are performed as part of the overall initial setup of the video probe system and are
discussed in detail in Chapter 4: Probes
Chapter 4: Probes.
The pixel calibration relies on the measurement of a standard circle artifact. Accurate calibrations require
high quality circle artifacts. The maximum form error allowed for circle artifact measurements can be
specified to insure that the circle used for calibration meets a known minimum quality standard.
Enter the maximum allowable form error into the Maximum
form for successful qualification field.
Including probes and points in live video image captures
Clicking the Tools/Capture Image menu item creates a bitmap (bmp) file of the live video window image
and stores the file in the QC5000\Parts folder using a name that includes time and date information.
The captured image always includes the video camera field
of view, and can also include the current video probe and
any points that might have been acquired when the probe was
Check the Include tools and points... box to include the probe
and acquired point images.
The circle probe and acquired points are
shown in the captured image
Video Probe Setup