Index 5 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 401

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Index 5
Edge recognition (teach) 124
Edge recognition performance 125
Edge strength 126
Edge teach 126
Editing 9, 22
Editing feature point fi ltration 270
Editing functions 42
Editing headers and footers 233
Editing individual steps 282
Editing initial program settings 265
Editing functions (templates) 45
Editing templates 225
Editing text 233
Edit menu 25
Elliptical and circular shapes 240
Empty feature list before running 260
Empty locations within the palette 264
Enabling and disabling joystick motion
control 350
Enabling and disabling light associations 78
Enabling or disabling full CNC mode 275
Enabling or disabling raised edges for toolbar
buttons 310
Enabling or disabling run time graphic
displays 275
Enabling sounds during program execution 315
Enabling the advanced programming mode 316
Encoders 293
Encoder count direction 296, 331
Encoder parameters 331
Encoder reference marks 296, 331
Encoder resolution 292, 296, 331
Encoder setup 289, 296
Encoder setup program 289
Encoder unit of measure 296, 331
English or metric units 29, 33
Equal bilateral tolerances 162
Errors during program execution 260
Error correction 58
Error limit 271
Error messages 306
Error whiskers 169
Establishing the measurement reference 139
Eurotol 21
Excel (Microsoft) 3
Execution 260, 275, 287
Exit 24
Expand a super step 282
Exponential control 352
Export 24
Exported data 3
Exports 333
Export fi le 333
Export results 63
Extracted data points 270
Failed 167
Failure to select features 316
Fail icons 205
Farthest probe 85, 94, 135
Features 2, 12, 18, 69
Features for a construction 321
Features template 20
Features with numbers 324
Features with numbers and names 325
Feature alternatives 47
Feature data 17, 20
Feature display defaults 320
Feature display mode 257
Feature icons 217, 218
Feature list 260
Feature measurements supported 145
Feature measurement results 11
Feature name 257, 270
Feature numbers and names on part views 323
Feature point fi ltration 270
Feature properties 27, 42, 43, 48, 50, 257, 269
Feature selection zones size 322
Feature stamp colors 302
Feature stamp window 270
Feature template 217
Feature tolerances 70
Feature types 47, 320
Fields 49
Field of view 104
Field of view for worm probe 346
File 22
File formats 23