Index 8 – HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 404

Index 8
QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Machine reference frame 260
Machine zero 331, 338
Machine zero and general parameters 337
Magnifi cation 15, 58, 77, 120, 169, 267, 341
Magnifi cations with associated zooms 116
Magnifi cation levels 35
Magnifi cation value 343
Maintenance 299
Maintenance issues 353
Malfunction 353
Mapping parts to a toolbar 311
Mapping workspaces to toolbar 312
Material surfaces 163
Matrix 262
Matrix of identical parts 259
Matrix of parts 264
Maximum axis velocity 290
Maximum fi eld of view for worm probe 346
Maximum form error for a valid pixel
calibration 349
Maximum number of measurement points 321
Maximum program executions 317
Maximum program execution speed 255, 275
Measure 22
Measurements fi nish before I’m ready 365
Measurement database 11
Measurement functions 35
Measurement indications to display 164
Measurement parameters 320
Measurement points 321
Measurement process 138
Measurement programming method 251
Measurement reference 139
Measurement reference frame 35
Measurement tolerances 162
Measurement workspace 138
Measure magic 47, 144, 320
Measure menu 35
Measure part features 63
Measure profi le window 157
Measure profi le window color 304
Measuring 137
Measuring features 69, 144
Measuring part skew and datum 67
Menubar menus 22
Menus 5, 22, 41
Messages 274
Message to the user 255
Metric units 29, 33
Metronics QC quickie slide 63
Microsoft Access 3
Microsoft Excel 3
Minimum contrast criteria 126
Minimum number of measurement points 321
Misalignment 132
MMC and LMC tolerances 209
Monitor 16
Motors off 37
Mouse hover 10
Moving video charts with the part 345
Name 27, 47, 257
Named tolerances 206
Names on part views 323
Narrow or wide window 48
Nearest 85, 93, 135
New (File menu) 23
New magnifi cation 118
New template 39
New templates 224
New VED probe 51, 85, 105
Normal and fi ne velocities 352
Normal speed 290
Note 27
Note with a feature 270
No part fi xturing 259
Number of measurement points 321
Number of program executions 260
Offset 129, 331
Offset calibration 129
OK (measurement) 52
Tolerance parameters 206
On-screen help tips 305
On-screen menus 41