HEIDENHAIN IK 5494-2D User Manual
Page 179

Tolerances can be applied to profile measurements as bilateral or unilateral pass/fail boundaries. Bilateral
tolerances can be distributed equally or unequally around the nominal edges of the part, and are specified
by the user.
The X, Y and angular offsets, the maximum form error, the number of data points and tolerance pass/fail
results can be displayed in the Measure Profile window at the conclusion of the Fit operation. Upon
completion of the profile measurement the profile feature is added to the Features template.
Operator screens and menus
Functions for conducting profile measurements are located across the bottom of the Measure Profile win-
dow. Functions for evaluating, displaying and printing results are contained in the Measure Profile menu
and in the Measure profile toolbar. These functions are discussed in detail later in this section as part of
the profile measurement instructions.
The Measure Profile window
The Measure Profile window contains functions for:
• Allowing (or prohibiting) data shifts during
profile fit analyses
• Assigning measurement tolerances
• Entering part data
• Importing part data from the Features template
• Removing the last point data entered
• Initiating a fit operation
• Cancelling a profile measurement
• Resetting the fit results and restoring
data points
• Selecting specific data points & whiskers
• Accessing the Measure Profile menu
• Completing the profile measurement
Profile Measurements