HEIDENHAIN TNC 360 ISO Programming User Manual
Page 143

TNC 360
Programming with Q Parameters
If-Then Operations with Q Parameters
Unconditional jumps
Unconditional jumps are jumps which are always executed because the
condition is always true.
N20 D09 P01 +10 P02 +10 P03 1 *
Program example
When Q5 becomes negative, a jump to program 100 will occur.
N50 D00 Q05 P01 +10 * ............................................ Assign value, for example 10, to parameter Q5
N90 D02 Q05 P01 +Q5 P02 +12 * ............................ Reduce the value of Q5
N100 D12 P01 +Q5 P02 +0 P03 5 * .......................... If +Q5 is less than 0, jump to label 5
N150 G98 L5 * ........................................................... Label 5
N160 %100 * ............................................................. Jump to program 100