Wavetronix protocol support, Z1 protocol support – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - Developer Guide User Manual
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Wavetronix Protocol Support
The Library\Protocols directory contains some library modules to support protocols used
by SmartSensor and Click devices. The code in the Protocols directory is open source so
that you can modify it for your own purposes. This code serves as a good example of how
you can use the ClickMsg library to support multiple serial protocols. Currently, this direc-
tory only supports the Z1 protocol, used with SmartSensor HD.
The following list shows the different Wavetronix protocols. In the future, more support for
the other protocols will be made. Z2 protocol support is required for interaction with Click
Supervisor and is found in the Click500supervisor.lib library module (currently this code
is not open source.)
Protocol Preamble
Description of Usage
SmartSensor V, SmartSensor Advance, and
Click 100/172/174
SmartSensor HD
Click 100–500 series
SmartSensor Matrix
Click 110/112/114
Table 8.4 – Wavetronix Protocol List
Z1 Protocol Support
The main Z1 support module is found in the file named click500Z1.lib. The other files in
this directory are for specific commands or contain specific support functions like CRC
The Z1 support library can be used for applications that interface with the SmartSensor HD.
If you are polling a SmartSensor HD unit, you can interact with it in the following ways:
Poll the sensor and block for response message
Poll the sensor without blocking
Listen for pushed data
The following code example shows how to poll the sensor for its time and then block for two
seconds in order to receive the time.
If you would like to multi-task while waiting for the receive message, you do not need to
block. In this case, enter zero instead of 2000 for the timeout. Then do whatever else you
need to and come back and check to see if the data on the desired virtual port is ready for
processing by calling ClickZ1ErrorCheck. If ClickZ1ErrorCheck returns a -1, then the re-
sponse message has not yet arrived. If the ClickZ1ErrorCheck returns a 0, then the response
message has arrived with no errors. If there is another type of error, ClickZ1ErrorCheck will
return a value specified in the Z1 protocol documentation.