Serial ports – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - Developer Guide User Manual
Page 70

In this chapter
˽ Connecting Virtual and Physical Serial Ports
˽ Configuring a Serial Port
˽ Transmitting Data
˽ Receiving data
˽ Example Code 7.1
The Click500Serial library provides functions for managing the Click 500 serial ports. Vir-
tual serial ports provide a flexible interface to physical serial ports. Multiple physical serial
ports can be attached to a virtual serial port. After the virtual and physical serial ports are
connected, data can be transmitted or received on virtual serial ports (see Figure 7.1).
When you connect two or more physical serial ports to a virtual serial port, you have in es-
sence created a serial convertor. For example, if you connect an RS-232 port and an RS-485
port to the same physical port, then the data from one port will be automatically transferred
from one to the other. In addition, physical serial ports that are connected to the same vir-
tual serial port do not require the same configuration settings, which means you can also
convert from one baud rate to another.
Serial Ports