Oem configuration data, Variable map xml and zip files – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - Developer Guide User Manual
Page 129

the module.
OEM Configuration Data
The OEM configuration data blocks are provided to hold your application-specific vari-
ables. There are three data blocks available and each data block can be up to 240 bytes.
In the 599 example custom application code, OEM variables are declared for the following
32-character alert message
Over-speed 8-bit threshold
Under-speed 8-bit threshold
Output duration 16-bit value
Checkbox enable 16-bit value
UTC hour offset 16-bit value
The variables take up a total of 40 bytes, so they fit easily into the first OEM configuration
data block.
As a developer, you will need to pay special attention to whether 16-bit data is big-endian
or little-endian. Big-endian data has the most-significant byte in the lowest address; little-
endian data has the most-significant byte in the highest address.
You will notice in Example Code 11.1 that the UTC hour offset 16-bit value has the MSB in
the highest address. Both the UTC hour offset and checkbox enable values are little-endian.
However, the 16-bit output duration is big-endian. The 16-bit values used with the incre-
ment/decrement controls are big-endian.
Set up your factory defaults for your OEM variables with the ClickSupervisorOemReset-
ToFactoryDefaults() function. This function is called when the module is reset to factory
Variable Map XML and Zip Files
The variable map files tell Click Supervisor the location and length of each variable. The
uncompressed XML file contains tagged-information that specifies the format of the system
and OEM configuration blocks. The tagged information for the OEM config blocks should
match the OEM structures in the OEM code module. An XML file accompanies the ex-
ample 599 code. The OEM portion of this file is listed below.