Using variable-length variables in messages, Using checksums in messages – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - Developer Guide User Manual

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Using Variable-Length Variables in Messages

The message library supports two types of variable-length fields:


Variable-length fields with the size embedded in a preceding length-byte.


Variable-length fields that terminate in a literal-value footer.

The first method uses a single-byte to specify the length of the subsequent variable length

field. The %L indicates the size of the variable-length field as a number of bytes. It is not

necessary to precede the L with a number since its length is fixed at one.

The number of bytes can vary from 1 to 256, assuming the total message is less than or equal

to 256 bytes. Before transmission, use the function ClickMsgSetVarSize to set the number

of bytes. However, ClickMsgReadVar and ClickMsgWriteVar will only support variables up

to the length limit set by the pre-compiler directive MAX_VAR_LEN_ARRAY_SIZE. By

default, the MAX_VAR_LEN_ARRAY_SIZE is 200, so if you need to handle variable byte

fields longer than this length, consider using ClickMsgGetRxSnapshot or change MAX_

VAR_LEN_ARRAY_SIZE. By default, up to 10 variable length variables are supported.

The %V marks the position of the variable-length field. The %L and %V do not need to be

back-to-back fields in the ClickMsgString. They can be separated by variables, checksums

and literals. It is not necessary to precede the V with a number, since its byte-length is not


A second way to receive variable length fields involves the use of a termination field with a

fixed pattern. The fixed pattern, or footer, is preceded by the “*” wildcard indicator. The data

received by the wildcard is only available using ClickMsgGetRxSnapshot.

Using Checksums in Messages

Since there are many different ways to calculate a checksum, the serial protocol parser pro-

vides you with significant flexibility, allowing you to control and manage the checksum

functionality. The ClickMsgAddChecksumTask and ClickMsgStoreChecksum functions

are functions you can use to incorporate checksums in the messaging protocol.

The ClickMsgAddChecksumTask function allows you to add a checksum calculation func-

tion to the checksum table. The ClickMsgAddChecksumTask function also takes a function

pointer and an index byte as its parameters. The function pointer is a pointer to the callback

function that has been created to calculate the checksum. The checksum index references

the callback function pointer in the checksum table. The current implementation supports

10 unique checksum algorithms (table entries 0 to 9).

Each callback function must accept four input parameters and return a status condition.

The three input parameters include:
1 A pointer to the input data.