Device initialization – Wavetronix Click 500 (programmable controller) (CLK-500) - Developer Guide User Manual
Page 133
box used for the Maximum Speed threshold control. In order for Supervisor to match the
control to the underSpeedMPH bytes in the OEM configuration data block, the string after
“def:Name=” must be exactly the same as the name in the XML file.
In the above example code, the tags for the up/down buttons and up/down edit box
have been removed. These are included in the sample files. Refer to the “Simple.
myxaml” file to see how other controls such as a drop-down box are specified.
tion=”110, 44” Size=”100, 20” TabIndex=”1”>
The maximum value of the control is limited to 150 mph and the tab index is set to 1.
If you are running a modified version of an application, make sure you copy the cor-
rect Myxaml file and other driver files to the appropriate “Program Files\Wavetronix\
ClickHome” subdirectory. Click Supervisor does not display a version warning mes-
sage if you are using an incompatible or out-of-date myxaml file.
Device Initialization
Load the new firmware on your device once you have recompiled the application code with
the system and OEM configuration variable defaults as desired. Cycle power on the device
and then reset to factory defaults using the submenu two option of the red flashing mode.
Close Click Supervisor and then open it again. After opening Click Supervisor, your new
settings should appear. When connecting, the message with the progress bar should say
“Upgrading device.”
If you encounter errors, make sure all your variable and file names properly match. Also,
make sure that the size of your packet and the positions and length of your variables in the
XML file are correct. Remember, the .zip file must not be read-only and the version tag
information embedded in the names of the .txt and .zip files must match the ClickSupervi-
sorDefaultFirmwareVersion variable format.
When your program and driver files are complete, you can then freely edit the system and
OEM variables. If you need to set the serial number, you can make a “Production” driver