Gasboy CFN III Quick Reference Guide v3.3 User Manual
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CFN III Quick Reference
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MDE-4483 CFN III Quick Reference Guide v3.3 · August 2005
Enable SDI (164) returns SDI to operation.
Option: C I
I option enables and re-initialize the SDI
Enable TMS (85) returns a tank monitor system to
Options: C I
I option enables and re-initializes all TMSs
EXit (27) exits command mode, enters system
monitor mode; if the exit command is in a command
file, the system prompt returns.
FIND disk-based command to search for pattern in
.CMD or text files.
Options: [;[A][I]] pattern file1 [file2] ...
;A prints line numbers along with lines
;I returns the number of lines on which pattern
is found (%E)
FIX_CONF disk-based command to update an old
configuration file to work with a new release of
FRAMOS (but not a new version number).
Options: [-Dconf_name]...[filename]
-Dconf_name conf_name is replaced with name
of configuration program to be reset to defaults
for all configuration programs at once; you may
specify more than one program by repeating
modifier in front of the name of each
configuration program you want to reset to its
filename name of configuration file; if no file
name is given, assumes FRAMOS.CFG
Fix TRansactions (28) changes transaction-begin
and -end pointers.
Options: AI rec1 rec2
A recalculate CRC; allows damaged
transaction records to be used; use only if
necessary to allow corrupted records to be polled
clear all transaction numbers from the
transaction file and reset the transaction pointers;
irreversible; fill transaction number field with -1s
for all transactions
rec1 rec2 set pointers; rec1 is the physical
record number of the oldest transaction you want
to include in the active portion of the table; rec2
is the physical record number of the most recent
transaction you wish to include in the active
portion of the table
fmtlint a shift-change command to output memory
utilization to the screen.
Options: [filename]
FORMAT (116) formats the RAM disk.
Do not use unless supervised by a Gasboy
Technician. Erases your site information.
FRED disk-based full-screen text editor (FRED
commands are summarized later in this chapter).
Option: [filename]
FUELER disk-based program to set the fueler ID for
a cluster.
Options: [
If the arguments are not provided, the current
state of all fuelers is shown. Only clusters 1-9
can have a fueler. Entry of a Fuel ID card
generates a disk journal event type 197 with the
first two characters of the text field containing
the cluster number.
Fuelpt disk-based configuration program for fuel
point readers.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P print current configuration
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in the system parameters, or vice versa
GATE disk-based gate-reader configuration
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P print current configuration
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in system parameters, or vice versa
Get TRansactions (117) polls transactions from
connected site.
Option: A
A option prints full Print Transaction format
GOTO used in command files; execution jumps to
line labeled with label.
Option: label
Help (29) lists Site Controller commands.
Option: A
A option prints commands with command