Gasboy CFN III Quick Reference Guide v3.3 User Manual
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CFN III Quick Reference
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MDE-4483 CFN III Quick Reference Guide v3.3 · August 2005
REMove CRon (132) removes a cron entry.
Options: C I A
I option deletes any pending executable
A option attempts to kill the executable or cron
command currently running
REMove Heading (133) removes a receipt heading
Option: C
REMove LImitation (64) removes a limitation
Option: C
REMove MEssage (134) removes a broadcast
Option: C
REMove PRice (17) removes a price level.
Option: C
REMove PROduct (135) removes a product.
Options: C A
A option removes all products
REMove SIGnon (136) removes a user sign on.
REMove Vehicle (84) removes a vehicle from the
MPG system.
Option: C
REName (138) renames a disk file.
Option: A
A option moves file(s) across directories
report a shift-change command to regenerate shift
and end-of-day reports using an existing journal file.
Options: [# of printer’s POS] {yday | pday
[extension] | shft [shift#] [POS#] | pshft
[extension] [shift#] [POS#]
| clrk [clerk#] | pclrk [extension] [clerk#]
| atnd [attendant#] | patnd [ext] [attendant#]}
regenerate yesterday’s end-of-day
regenerate an end-of-day report
using the extension of the journal log file
shft regenerate a shift report for the current day
regenerate a shift report for a
previous day using the file extension of the
journal log file
clrk regenerate a clerk report for the current day
regenerate a clerk report for a
previous day using the file extension of the
journal log file
regenerate an attendant report for
the current day
regenerate an attendant report for a
previous day using the file extension of the
journal log file
reprint a shift-change command to reprint whatever
was last printed at a receipt printer.
Options: [# of printer’s POS] {day | last | pday
[day] | shft [day] [shift#] [POS#]
| clrk [day] [clerk#]
| atnd [day] [attendant#] }
day print the last end-of-day report
last print the last report or receipt printed on
specified receipt printer
reprint a previous end-of-day report
shft reprint a shift report
clrk reprint a clerk report
reprint an attendant report
REset DIagnostics (65) clears diagnostic error
Option: I
I option resets after a reconfiguration
REset PUmp (66) resets pump totalizers.
REset TOtals (67) resets the daily sales totals.
Option: A I
A option resets daily and cumulative sales
totals to zero, and loads shift 1
I option resets cumulative only
REset TRansaction (68) resets first (oldest)
transaction to save and to print pointer.
Options: AI
A option resets all transaction table pointers,
including next transaction to send to CFN host
and next transaction to log; if a number is
provided with the A option, the CFN host poll
pointer is set to that transaction number;
I option deletes transactions in progress
(resulting in unassigned transactions and loss of
card data needed for billing any pumping
transactions that were in progress)
RESTORE Command file that extractes the files
compressed with the BACKUP command and returns
the files to the SC3 directory.