6 main screen / home screen, 1 demodulator status screen – Comtech EF Data MDX420 SkyWire Manual User Manual
Page 88
MDX420 SkyWire™ Satellite Network Gateway
SkyWire Controller (GUI)
MN-MDX420 Revision 6
Main Screen / Home Screen
The main screen (Figure 7.6), or home screen once logged into a SkyWire MDX-420 contains 4
main sections.
1) Demodulator
2) Network
3) Event
4) Alarms
Figure 7.6 Main screen
7.6.1 Demodulator Status Screen
The Demodulator Status screen that is the upper left portion of the Main Screen, (Figure 7.6) is
used to monitor carrier status of the burst demodulators located in the gateway which the
SkyWire Controller is logged into. Individual remote data is normalized for relative performance.
Carrier composite information is displayed numerically based on the user defined Polling Interval
(Section 7.3.1).
By using the Graph drop down menu, information about individual sites in the share group can be
seen. This information is displayed on a per MDX-420 basis. In this example there are three (3)
MDX-420 sites in a single share group. Information per MDX-420 is available as:
% Total IR – Normalized percent of total throughput
% CIR – Normalized percent of assigned committed information rate
% Max IR – Normalized percent of assigned maximum information rate
Total Packets – Total packets received
Packet Errors – Total packet errors
Carrier Level (dBm) – Receive Carrier level of the burst demodulator
Eb/No (dB) – Signal quality of the shared carrier received by the burst demodulator