Comtech EF Data MDX420 SkyWire Manual User Manual
Page 82
MDX420 SkyWire™ Satellite Network Gateway
SkyWire Controller (GUI)
MN-MDX420 Revision 6
Share Group Configuration Rules:
It is a requirement that all sites be “Enabled” (See section 7.4.3) in the share group; are active
and show an active green light on the GUI at the time a share group command is entered for
processing. All active sites in the share group need to be informed that a share group change is
being requested.
If a site is not presently available and not in the network it must be “Disabled” by unchecking the
“Enabled: box (See section 7.4.3) before a share group command will be accepted.
If you select the site the GUI is currently controlling, all other sites in the share group will
automatically be selected.
When a sub-set of the total sites in the share group are selected (not all sites) the sub-set is
assumed to be moving to an EXISTING alternative share group. You can not move a sub-set of
sites to a new frequency location in order to creat a new share group.
Once the share group configuration changes have been made, select “Next”. At this time parameters of
the change are sent to each MDX-420 but are NOT EXECUTED. Each device that will be affected by the
change must first check that the change is executable and reply with an acceptace or rejection of the
change. The “Status” color of each site that is requested to change will then turn either green (accepted)
or red (rejected).
By doing this the MDX-420 devices affected ensure that they have the proper options and configuration to
execute the command. For example, asking all sites to change to a 5Mb data rate to add capacity would
require that all sites have the 5Mb data rate option installed. If an “included” site is unable to execute a
command or if any of the configuration rules above are not met the user will get a Configuration Error
message as seen below: