Comtech EF Data MIDAS Management Information Base User Manual

Page 25

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Management Information Base


Rev. 1

Appendix A,

MIB Listing


-- For example
TrapIPAddr=,,, It
-- means that, and will receive
-- traps from Midas. Character ',' is used to
separate pair of IP address and
-- port. Character ':' is used to separate IP
address and port.
-- How to handle trap missing in Midas
-- There is trap sequence number object defined
in all of Midas traps to identify
-- whether there is any trap missing.
-- Object '.MidasOID.snmpAgent.maxTrapsKept'
( is used
-- to setup the number of traps sent which are
saved in Midas. The table
-- 'MidasOID.snmpAgent.trapTable'
(. is used to save
-- traps sent recently. There is sequence
number object in the table to match
-- sequence number of trap sent. If any trap is
missing, It can be read from the
-- trap table.
-- How to send text string to remote sites from hub
-- Under 'MidasOID.maintenance.serviceMessage'
-- object 'toNode' is the node which the text
string is sent to. Object 'OutStr' is the
-- text string sent to remote node and is
limited less than 28 characters. When
-- object 'send' is set true (2), the text
string in object 'outStr' will be sent to
-- remote node which is defined in object
-- How to receive text sting from remote sites
-- Any text string (less than 28 characters)
sent by remote sites will be received
-- by hub and sent out by trap.
-- The customer system can receive text string
from remote sites by configurating
-- Midas to send trap to it. In Midas trap type
2 (Midas value change trap), the
-- first object in variable list of trap
defines the remote node which is sending
-- the text string, the second object in
variable list of trap defines text string sent
-- by remote node. Object ID of the first
object in trap type 2 should be
-- 'MidasOID.maintenance.serviceMessage.toNode'
-- How to enable the predefined circuits in Midas.
-- To set object
-- (. to be true