About this manual, Overview of contents – Artesyn MVME8100/MVME8110 Installation and Use (September 2014) User Manual
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MVME8100 / MVME8110 Installation and Use (6806800P25G)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual provides the information required to install and configure an MVME8100 /
MVME8110. Additionally, this manual provides specific preparation and installation
information and data applicable to the board.
The MVME8100 is a high-performance, dual core processor board featuring the Freescale
QorIQ P5020 processor.
The MVME8110 is a high-performance, single core processor board featuring the Freescale
QorIQ P5010 processor
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
, lists the features of the MVME8100 / MVME8110 baseboard, standard
compliances, and model numbers for boards and accessories.
Chapter 2, Hardware Preparation and Installation
, includes a description of the MVME8100 /
MVME8110, unpacking instructions, environmental, thermal, and power requirements, and
how to prepare and install the baseboard, transition module, and PMC module.
Chapter 3, Controls, LEDs, and Connectors
, provides an illustration of the board components and
front panel details. This chapter also gives descriptions for the onboard and front panel LEDs
and connectors.
Chapter 4, Functional Description
, describes the major features of the MVME8100 / MVME8110
baseboard. These descriptions include both programming and hardware characteristics of
major components.
Chapter 5, Boot System, on page 95
, describes the boot load software.
, describes the procedure for replacing a battery.
Appendix B, Related Documentation
, provides listings for publications, manufacturer’s
documents and related industry specification for this product.
, contains the cautions and warnings applicable to the use of this product.
, is a German translation of the Safety Notes chapter.