Setting system parameters – Echelon LNS User Manual

Page 77

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LNS Programmer's Guide


5. For Full client applications, set the System object’s RemoteChannel

property to the Channel object corresponding to the remote PCs channel.

You do not need to perform this step if you are running a Local or

Lightweight client application, if the system only contains one channel, or

if the system contains multiple channels and only uses configured

routers, bridges or physical repeaters. This step is only necessary for
remote Full client applications attached to multiple channel networks

containing store and forward repeaters.

For those client applications that do require this step, it is important to
note that the Network object’s Channels property is not valid until the
System has been opened. As a result, since the System object’s
RemoteChannel property must be set before the System is opened, you

must pre-open the System to obtain the desired channel, set the
RemoteChannel property, and then re-open the System. This is

demonstrated in the following example:

Dim MyChannels as LcaChannels

’ Pre-open the system:


’ Fetch and assign the desired channel

Set MyChannels = MyNetwork.Channels

’ Set the RemoteChannel property

Set MySystem.RemoteChannel = MyChannels.Item(“C2”)

6. Invoke


System object’s Open() method to open the System (or re-

open the system, if you set the RemoteChannel property in step 5).


Setting System Parameters

System parameters are represented as properties of the System object. You should set

some of these properties before opening the System object, as described in the previous
section. You should set other key properties of the System object after you have opened

it, as follows:

1. MgmtMode Property. This property sets the system management mode,

which determines whether device configuration changes are propagated
to the devices (lcaMgmtModePropagateConfigUpdates) on the

network as they are applied to the LNS database, or saved for later
processing (lcaMgmtModeDeferConfigUpdates). For a new network,
the default setting is lcaMgmtModeDeferConfigUpdates. If you are

opening an existing network, this setting may have been changed by
another LNS application.

While the system management mode is set to
lcaMgmtModeDeferConfigUpdates, changes are stored in the LNS

database. They are automatically propagated to the network as soon as

the system management mode is changed back to
lcaMgmtModePropagateConfigUpdates. While the system