Echelon LNS User Manual

Page 141

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LNS Programmer's Guide


To set unknown configuration property values, use one of the following two methods:

• If the device is using a device template based on an external interface file that

defines default values for the device's configuration properties, set all unknown
configuration properties in the physical device on the network to match the

default values stored in the LNS database by calling
DownloadConfigProperties() with the lcaConfigPropOptLoadUnknown
and lcaConfigPropOptLoadValues options set.

You can determine the device template’s basis by inspecting the
DeviceTemplate object’s ProgramType property.

• Set all unknown configuration properties in the LNS database to match the

values stored in the physical device on the network by calling
UploadConfigProperties() with the lcaConfigPropOptLoadUnknown and
lcaConfigPropOptLoadValues options set.

You should note that there are other options you can choose from when calling
DownloadConfigProperties() or UploadConfigProperties(). For example, you
can use the lcaConfigPropOptOnlyDeviceSpecific option to only download or

upload configuration properties with the device-specific attribute set. Or, you can use the
lcaConfigPropOptExcludeDeviceSpecific option to exclude configuration

properties with the device-specific flag set. For more information on device-specific

configuration properties, see Device-Specific Configuration Properties on page 234.

When downloading configuration properties, you can use the
lcaConfigPropOptClearUpdatePending option to clear all pending updates on the

device affected by the download. Or, you can specify the
lcaConfigPropOptIncludeMfgOnly option to only include manufacturing-only

configuration properties in a download.

There are several other options you can choose from when downloading or uploading

configuration property information. For more information, see the LNS Object Server

Reference help file.

NOTE: Some devices implement configuration properties that cannot be accessed unless
the device is in the online state (i.e. the State property is set to lcaStateCnfgOnline).

These are devices that use the file transfer protocol for configuration property access.

You can identify these devices by the existence of the SNVT_file_req and
SNVT_file_status type network variables in the NetworkVariables collection that
belongs to the AppDevice object’s Interface object.