Currentformatlocale – Echelon LNS User Manual
Page 258
LNS Programmer's Guide
Property Description
This property indicates the value that
should be added to the raw value of the
data point or monitor point when it is
unit-converted for display as a formatted
value (via the FormattedValue
property). This addition is performed
after the raw value is multiplied based
on the UnitsMultiplier property.
As described in the previous section, the
object assigned to a data point or
monitor point determines the base type of the data stored in the object. For data points,
you can customize how this data will be displayed using
Each FormatLocale object contains a series of properties that reflect a particular
geographical area’s conventions for data display. These conventions affect how data
should be displayed in that area, including factors such as language, measurement
system (U.S. or Systeme Internationale), date formats, time formats, and decimal
number formats. The settings of a FormatLocale object determine how data accessed
through the FormattedValue properties of all DataPoint objects will be displayed
when your application uses that FormatLocale object.
Each client application can select which FormatLocale object it will use for a given
session by passing a selected FormatLocale object to the CurrentFormatLocale
property of the ObjectServer object before opening any networks and formatting any
data. Operations that will cause your application to format data include acquiring
DataPoint objects, and reading or writing the values of configuration properties and
network variables on your network.
By specifying their own FormatLocale object, client applications in different regions can
use their own sets of local or absolute formats when displaying data, without affecting
the data formatting used by other clients. This greatly reduces the risk of your
application returning information that is confusing or misleading due to formatting
changes made by another application.
You can access the FormatLocales collection through the FormatLocales property of
the ObjectServer object. Initially, the FormatLocales collection contains 4 pre-
defined FormatLocale objects:
1. UserDefaultRegionalSettings. This is the default value for the
CurrentFormatLocale property. When you use this FormatLocale object, all
the properties will be set based on the user-defined Windows regional settings for
the user currently logged onto the PC running your application. You can change
the regional settings on a PC using the Windows control panel Regional Options
applet. Consult the Microsoft Developer’s Network (MSDN) documentation of the
Win32 GetLocaleInfo() function for more information on the Windows
regional settings.
2. SystemDefaultRegionalSettings. When you use this FormatLocale object,
all the properties will be set based on the default Windows regional settings on