Broadcast options – Echelon LNS User Manual

Page 167

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LNS Programmer's Guide


network variable. This can be used to avoid joining or creating groups, as shown in

figures 7.1 and 7.2 later in this section.

For monitor and control applications, the benefit of this approach is that the monitoring

tool does not have to join the group. The existing group of nodes 1,2,3 will remain as it is,
and node 1 will also propagate network variable updates to the monitoring tool using a

unicast connection with Subnet/Node ID addressing. Each time the output network

variable is updated, two messages will be sent: one to the group connection, and one
using subnet node addressing. The benefit is that address table space on the monitoring

node is preserved (becoming a member of a group requires an address table entry to
accommodate the group membership information).

The lcaAliasForUnicasts option can also be used to avoid multicast connections. The

building automation example described later in this chapter introduces a problem that

can be avoided by splitting a multicast connection into multiple unicast connections.

Note that there are only 256 distinct groups that can be used for multicast addressing

per network, and that by using unicast addressing you can conserve group usage. Group

addresses also consume address table entries in both the receiving and transmitting
devices involved in the connection, and most application devices are limited to 15 address

table entries. Network Service Devices that use standard network interfaces are limited
to 15 address table entries for use with group addressing. However, unicast connections

may consume more address table entries on transmitting devices.

Typically, multiple unicast messages create extra network traffic compared to a single

multicast connection, as all network variable updates will require the transmission of

multiple messages onto the network. In contrast, a network variable update in a group
connection would only require one message to be sent that would be received by all

members of the group.

Note that you can use the AppDevice object’s AliasCapacity to determine the total

number of aliases supported by a device, and you can use the AliasUseCount property

to determine the number of aliases on the device that are already being used by existing


Broadcast Options

The BroadcastOptions property determines when a connection should use broadcast

addressing. This can be set to any of the following values: lcaBroadcastNever,
lcaBroadcastGroup, and lcaBroadcastAlways,

The lcaBroadcastGroup value requires some explanation. The lcaBroadcastGroup

value allows LNS to automatically use broadcast addressing when a multicast connection

is required, and no group identifiers are available. This requires that the connection use
a messaging service type acceptable for use with broadcast addressing, such as the

unacknowledged messaging service or the unacknowledged/repeat messaging service.