Accessing extension data, Implementing an lns director application – Echelon LNS User Manual

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LNS Programmer's Guide


Registering Plug-In Commands in the Windows Registry

Registration commands for plug-ins must also be registered in the Windows Registry.

Registration commands are plug-in commands automatically invoked by a director
application to register the plug-in application’s commands within an LNS network

database. Registration commands may also perform other initialization tasks required by

a plug-in, such as creating a device template, importing an external interface file for the
device template, and registering device controls with the device template. This is

described in more detail in the LNS Plug-in Programmer's Guide, which can be
downloaded from Echelon’s website at


Accessing Extension Data

LNS client applications may require data that is not available in the LNS database, so
the applications can maintain their own databases. If they do, they must create their own

scheme for sharing the data between multiple instances of themselves on a network, and

must develop a mechanism for associating the data with data items in the LNS database.

LNS provides Extension objects to make maintaining application specific data within

the LNS database simpler. The data stored in the Extension objects can be associated

with objects within the LNS database, and LNS automatically provides a mechanism for

accessing the data from multiple clients on a network. The following LNS objects include
an Extensions collection that can be used for maintaining application specific data:

AppDevice, Channel, DeviceTemplate, LonMarkObject, Network,
NetworkServiceDevice, ObjectServer, Router, Subnet, Subsystem and


Implementing an LNS Director Application

An LNS director application is an application that can manage and invoke LNS plug-in

applications, as described previously in this chapter. Typical LNS director applications

are generic network management or monitoring tools that use plug-in software to

delegate device-specific tasks such as device configuration. See the LNS Plug-In
Programmer’s Guide
for more information about the LNS plug-in interface and API, and

about creating LNS plug-in applications. You may also find the example director
application included with LNS Turbo Edition useful when reviewing this section. For

more information on the example director application in this document, see Appendix C,

LNS Turbo Edition Example Application Suite.

This section discusses special considerations you will need to make when creating an

LNS director application. An LNS director application must be able to perform the
following tasks:

• Recognize newly installed or updated plug-in software, and manage the

completion of the plug-in registration process.

• For any applicable operation, determine the applicable plug-in software and

launch that application.

• Optionally support advanced plug-in management operations, such as

temporarily disabling a plug-in, deregistering plug-ins, etc.