3xLOGIC VIGIL Server User Manual
Page 61
Advanced Settings
In the Advanced Settings window, the cameras are grouped into Bank tabs that represent the physical camera banks in
the VIGIL Server. This allows the user to maximize the capture resolution and recording speeds for each camera bank.
When the number of FPS is changed in the Advanced Settings window, it is applied to all recording modes.
Note: The number of banks and the cameras in each bank is determined by the capture card installed,
which cannot be configured. There are many possible layouts of banks and channels per bank.
Select a camera number within the current bank tab to change its settings.
Capture Resolution Select the desired recording resolution from the drop-down menu.
Recording Speed
Select the desired number of frames per second. Each bank has a set amount of FPS that can be set to its
cameras. Values will change depending on the recording speeds for other cameras within the same bank.
Network Camera
Network cameras are automatically detected and the analog feed is disabled for that camera number. Net-
work camera speeds are independent of other cameras and do not change the maximum allowable FPS for
cameras belonging to the same camera bank.
3xLOGIC's VIGIL Server 7.1 User Guide
Pg. 57