Community strings, Add/modify/delete, Reminder – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 8 Management Protocols

Configuration | System | Management Protocols | SNMP Communities

Community Strings

The Community Strings list shows SNMP community strings that have been configured. If no strings
have been configured, the list shows --Empty--.


To configure and add a new community string, click Add. The Manager opens the Configuration |
System | Management Protocols | SNMP Communities | Add screen.

To modify a configured community string, select the string from the list and click Modify. The Manager
opens the Configuration | System | Management Protocols | SNMP Communities | Modify screen.

To delete a configured community string, select the string from the list and click Delete. There is no
confirmation or undo.
The Manager refreshes the screen and shows the remaining entries in the list.


The Manager immediately includes your changes in the active configuration. To save the active
configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the


icon at the top of the Manager


To discard your settings, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the Configuration | System | Management
Protocols screen.

Figure 8-9

Configuration | System | Management Protocols Screen

Configuration | System | Management Protocols | SNMP
Communities | Add or Modify

These Manager screens let you:

Add: Configure and add a new SNMP community string.

Modify: Modify a configured SNMP community string.