Administration | certificate management | install, Install ca certificate, Install ssl certificate with private key – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 170: Install certificate obtained via enrollment
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 12 Administration
Administration | Certificate Management | Install
Administration | Certificate Management | Install
Choose the type of certificate you want to install.
Figure 12-41 Administration | Certificate Management | Install Screen
Install CA Certificate
If you want to install a CA certificate, click Install CA Certificate. The Manager displays the
Administration | Certificate Management | Install | CA Certificate screen.
Install SSL Certificate with Private Key
Some web servers export their SSL certificates with the private key attached. If you have a
PEM-encoded certificate with a corresponding private key that you want to install, click Install SSL
Certificate with Private Key. The Manager displays the Administration | Certificate Management |
Install | SSL Certificate with Private Key screen.
Install Certificate Obtained via Enrollment
If you want to install a certificate manually that you have obtained by enrolling a certificate request with
a CA, click Install Certificate Obtained via Enrollment. The Manager displays the Administration |
Certificate Management | Install Certificate Obtained via Enrollment screen.