Certificate, Renewal type, Enrollment method – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 181: Challenge password, Verify challenge password, Renew / cancel
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 12 Administration
Administration | Certificate Management | Renewal
This field displays the type of certificate that you are re-enrolling or re-keying.
Renewal Type
Specify the type of request:
Re-enrollment = Use the same key pair as the expiring certificate.
Re-key = Use a new key pair.
Enrollment Method
Choose an enrollment method:
PKCS10 Request (Manual) = Enroll using the manual process.
Certificate Name via SCEP = Enroll automatically using this SCEP CA.
Challenge Password
Your CA might have given you a password as a means of verifying your identity. If you have a password
from your CA, enter it here.
If you did not receive a password from your CA, choose a password now. You can use this password in
the future to identify yourself to your CA.
Verify Challenge Password
Re-type the challenge password you just entered.
Renew / Cancel
To renew the certificate, click Renew.
To discard your settings, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the Administration |
Certificate Management screen.