Configuration | system | ip routing | dhcp, Enabled, Lease timeout – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 74: Address pool start/end
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 7 IP Routing
Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP
Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP
This screen lets you configure DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server parameters that
apply to DHCP server functions within the VPN 3002.
The DHCP server for the private interface lets IP hosts in its network automatically obtain IP addresses
from a limited pool of addresses for a fixed length of time, or lease period. Before the lease period
expires, the VPN 3002 displays a message offering to renew it. If the lease is not renewed, the connection
terminates when the lease expires, and the IP address becomes available for reuse. Using DHCP
simplifies configuration since you do not need to know what IP addresses are considered valid on a
particular network.
Figure 7-5
Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP Screen
Check the box to enable the DHCP server functions on the VPN 3002. The box is checked by default.
To use DHCP address assignment, you must enable DHCP functions here.
Lease Timeout
Enter the timeout in minutes for addresses that are obtained from the DHCP server. Minimum is 5,
default is 120, maximum is 500000 minutes. DHCP servers “lease” IP addresses to clients on the VPN
3002 private network for this period of time.
The Lease Timeout period you configure applies only when the tunnel to the VPN Concentrator is
established. When the tunnel is not established, the Lease Timeout period is 5 minutes.
Address Pool Start/End
Enter the range of IP addresses that the DHCP server can assign. Use dotted decimal notation. The
default is 127 successive addresses, with the first address being the address immediately after that of the
private interface. The maximum number of addresses you can configure is 127.