Apply/cancel, Reminder, Configuration | system | ip routing | dhcp options – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

Page 75: Dhcp option, Add/modify/delete

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 7 IP Routing

Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP Options


To apply the settings for DHCP parameters, and to include your settings in the active configuration, click
Apply. The Manager returns to the Configuration | System | IP Routing screen.


To save the active configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the Save Needed icon at the
top of the Manager window.

To discard your entries, click Cancel. The Manager returns to the Configuration | System | IP Routing

Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP Options

This section lets you configure DHCP options.

Figure 7-6

Configuration | System | IP Routing | DHCP Options Screen

DHCP Option

DHCP Options are facilities that allow the VPN 3002 DHCP server to respond to configurable
parameters for specific kinds of devices such as PCs, IP telephones, print servers, etc., as well as an IP


To configure and add DHCP options, click Add. The Manager opens the Configuration | System | IP |
DHCP Options | Add screen.To modify a configured DHCP option, select the option from the list and
click Modify. The Manager opens the Configuration | System | IP | DHCP Options | Modify screen.