Pat enabled, Apply/cancel, Reminder – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 11 Policy Management

Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management | PAT | Enable

PAT Enabled

Check the box to enable Client Mode (PAT), or clear it to enable Network Extension Mode.


Remember that to use Network Extension Mode, you must configure an IP address other than the
default for the private interface. If you do not change the IP address of the private interface, you can
not disable PAT.


To enable or disable PAT, and include your setting in the active configuration, click Apply. The Manager
returns to the Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management | PAT screen.


To save the active configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the Save


icon at the

top of the Manager window.

To discard your entry and leave the active configuration unchanged, click Cancel. The Manager returns
to the Configuration | Policy Management | Traffic Management | PAT screen.