Static routes, Add / modify / delete, Reminder – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 70
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 7 IP Routing
Configuration | System | IP Routing | Static Routes
Configuration | System | IP Routing | Static Routes
This section of the Manager lets you configure static routes for IP routing.
Figure 7-2
Configuration | System | IP Routing | Static Routes Screen
Static Routes
The Static Routes list shows manual IP routes that have been configured. The format is [destination
network address/subnet mask -> outbound destination]; for example, -> If you have configured the default gateway, it appears first in
the list as [Default -> default router address]. If no static routes have been configured, the list shows
Add / Modify / Delete
To configure and add a new static route, click Add. The Manager opens the Configuration | System | IP
Routing | Static Routes | Add screen.
To modify a configured static route, select the route from the list and click Modify. The Manager opens
the Configuration | System | IP Routing | Static Routes | Modify screen. If you select the default gateway,
the Manager opens the Configuration | System | IP Routing | Default Gateways screen.
To delete a configured static route, select the route from the list and click Delete. There is no
confirmation or undo. The Manager refreshes the screen and shows the remaining static routes in the
list. You cannot delete the default gateways here; to do so, see the Configuration | System | IP Routing |
Default Gateways screen.
The Manager immediately includes your changes in the active configuration. To save the active
configuration and make it the boot configuration, click the Save Needed
icon at the top of the Manager