Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

Page 162

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 12 Administration

Administration | Certificate Management


In Progress = The request has been created, but the requested certificate
has not yet been installed. This value is used only for PKCS10 (manual)
enrollment requests.

Polling = The CA did not immediately fulfill the enrollment request; the
VPN 3002 has entered polling mode. This value is used only for
enrollment request created using SCEP.

Timedout = The SCEP polling cycle has ended after reaching the
configured maximum number of retries. This value is used only for
enrollment request created using SCEP.

Rejected = The CA refused to issue the certificate. This value is used
only for enrollment request created using SCEP.

Cancelled = The certificate request was cancelled while the VPN 3002
was in polling mode.

Complete = The CA has fulfilled the renewal request. To bring this new
certificate into service, click Activate.

Error = An error occurred during the enrollment process. Enrollment
was stopped.

Submitting = The certificate request is being sent to the CA.


This column allows you to manage enrollments requests. The actions
available vary with the type and status of the enrollment request.

View = View details of this enrollment request.

Install = Install the enrollment request. This action is available only for
PKCS10 (manual) enrollment requests.

Cancel = Cancel a request that is pending. This action is available only
for SCEP enrollment requests with “Polling” status.

Re-submit = Re-initiate SCEP communications with the CA or RA using
the previously entered request information. This action is available only
for SCEP enrollment requests.

Activate = Bring this certificate into service.

Delete = Delete an enrollment request from the VPN 3002.

