Syslog server, Port, Facility – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 9 Events

Configuration | System | Events | Syslog Servers | Add or Modify

Configuration | System | Events | Syslog Servers | Add or Modify

These Manager screens let you:

Add: Configure and add a UNIX syslog server as a recipient of event messages. You can configure
a maximum of five syslog servers.

Modify: Modify a configured UNIX syslog server that is a recipient of event messages.

Figure 9-8

Configuration | System | Events | Syslog Servers | Add Screen

Syslog Server

Enter the IP address or hostname of the UNIX syslog server to receive event messages. (If you have
configured a DNS server, you can enter a hostname; otherwise, enter an IP address.)


Enter the UDP port number by which you access the syslog server. Use a decimal number from 0 to
65535. The default is 514, which is the well-known port number.


Click the drop-down menu button and select the syslog facility tag for events sent to this server. The
facility tag lets the syslog server sort messages into different files or destinations. The choices are:

User = Random user-process messages.

Mail = Mail system.

Daemon = System daemons.

Auth = Security or authorization messages.

Syslog = Internal syslogd-generated messages.

LPR = Line printer subsystem.

News = Network news subsystem.

UUCP = UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program) subsystem.

Reserved (9) through Reserved (14) = Outside the Local range, with no name or assignment yet,
but usable.

CRON = Clock daemon.

Local 0 through Local 7 (default) = User defined.