Errors received/transmitted, Destination unreachable received/transmitted, Time exceeded received/transmitted – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual
Page 237: Parameter problems received/transmitted, Source quench received/transmitted, Redirects received/transmitted, Echo requests (pings) received/transmitted, Echo replies (pings) received/transmitted
VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference
Chapter 13 Monitoring
Monitoring | Statistics | MIB-II | ICMP
Errors Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP messages that the VPN 3002 received but determined to have ICMP-specific errors
(bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
The number of ICMP messages that the VPN 3002 did not send due to problems within ICMP such as a
lack of buffers.
Destination Unreachable Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received/sent. Destination Unreachable
messages apply to many network situations, including inability to determine a route, an unusable source
route specified, and the Don’t Fragment flag set for a packet that must be fragmented.
Time Exceeded Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received/sent. Time Exceeded messages indicate that the
lifetime of the packet has expired, or that a router cannot reassemble a packet within a time limit.
Parameter Problems Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received/sent. Parameter Problem messages indicate
a syntactic or semantic error in an IP header.
Source Quench Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received/sent. Source Quench messages provide
rudimentary flow control; they request a reduction in the rate of sending traffic on the network.
Redirects Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received/sent. Redirect messages advise that there is a better
route to a particular destination.
Echo Requests (PINGs) Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received/sent. Echo messages are probably the most
visible ICMP messages. They test the communication path between network entities by asking for Echo
Reply response messages.
Echo Replies (PINGs) Received/Transmitted
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received/sent. Echo Reply messages are sent in response to
Echo messages, to test the communication path between network entities.