Event log format – Cisco VPN 3002 User Manual

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VPN 3002 Hardware Client Reference


Chapter 13 Monitoring

Monitoring | Filterable Event Log

Event Log Format

Each entry (record) in the event log consists of eight or nine fields:

Sequence Date Time Severity Class/Number Repeat (IPAddress)


(The IPAddress field only appears in certain events.)

For example:

3 12/06/2001 14:37:06.680 SEV=4 HTTP/47 RPT=17

New administrator login: admin.

Get Log

To download the event log from VPN 3002 memory to your PC and view it
or save it as a text file, click Get Log. The Manager opens a new browser
window to display the file. The browser address bar shows the VPN 3002
address and log file default filename; for example,


To save a copy of the log file on your PC, click the File menu on the new
browser window and select Save As


. The browser opens a dialog box that

lets you save the file. The default filename is



Alternatively, you can use the secondary mouse button to click Get Log


this Monitoring | Filterable Event Log screen. A pop-up menu presents
choices whose exact wording depends on your browser, but among them are:

Open Link, Open Link in New Window, Open in New Window


Open and view the file in a new browser window, as above.

Save Target As..., Save Link As


= Save a copy of the log file on your

PC. Your system will prompt for a filename and location. The default
filename is vpn3002log.txt.

When you are finished viewing or saving the file, close the new browser

Clear Log

To clear the current event log from memory, click this button. The Manager
then refreshes the screen and shows the empty log.


The Manager immediately erases the event log
from memory without asking for confirmation.
There is no undo.

Event Sequence

The sequential number of the logged entry. Numbering starts or restarts from
1 when the system powers up, when you save the event log, or when you
clear the event log. When the log file wraps after 256 entries, numbering
continues with event 257 overwriting event 1.

Although numbering restarts at 1 when the system powers up, it does not
overwrite existing entries in the event log; it appends them. Assuming the
log does not wrap, it could contain several sequences of events starting at 1.
Thus you can examine events preceding and following reboot or reset cycles.

Event Date

The date of the event: MM/DD/YYYY. For example, 12/06/2001 identifies
an event that occurred on December 6, 2001.