EVCO c-pro nano RACK User Manual
Page 67

Page 67
When it is an inverter that must be manually forced, the procedure is slightly different.
Recall that the inverter is virtually the first compressor of each circuit, therefore before being able to correctly
perform the procedure, the correct compressor must be changed to manual, in other words:
1 Circuit: The inverter (if enabled) is compressor 1; in order to switch the inverter to manual
functioning, it is necessary to switch the first compressor to manual functioning.
2 Circuits: The inverter of circuit 1 (if enabled) is compressor 1 and the inverter of circuit 2 (if
enabled) is the first compressor following the compressors of circuit 1; to switch the inverters to
manual functioning, it is necessary to switch these compressors to manual functioning.
Once the manual functions have been correctly set, it is possible to force the inverters using the specific
parameter: PM37 (PM38) compressor inverter forcing.
In order to correctly configure this characteristic, it is sufficient to enable at least one compressor/fan inverter;
depending on the type enabled, the other type will be automatically excluded by the analogue outputs.
The management and the forcing procedure of the fan inverters is the same as that for the compressor
Floating condensation management
Makes it possible to modify the working setpoint of the fans depending on the external temperature. To enable
this function, the following parameters must be set in the menu Installer -> Various:
enable external temperature probe (PH24)
enable floating condensation (PF71)
delta Condensation temperature (PF72): offset of condensation temperature (linked to the type of
condenser module used)
inferior limit Condensation temperature (PF73): minimum value of the condensation temperature
(owing to the need to guarantee a minimum temperature of the lubricating oil)
upper limit Condensation temperature (PF74): maximum value of the condensation value, beyond
which the fans no longer modulate and therefore reach the maximum.
The new setpoint will be given by the external temperature summed to the parameter delta temperature. The
values of this new set, converted to pressure, are in any case limited by the variation range of the condensation
Note. By enabling this function, the condensation setpoint parameters of the single circuits no longer have any
effect on the adjustment of the condensation; in fact, the setpoint used will be a function of delta T and of the
external temperature.
Temperature probes
The application is capable of managing a maximum of two auxiliary temperature probes: environment probe
and external probe. To make use of these two temperature transducers, their activation parameters, enable
environment temperature probe and enable external temperature probe, must be set.
Each of the two probes is associated with a probe alarm, which is set off when the probe is disconnected or
broken; the activation of this alarm is associated with the parameter of probe activation. By activating the
probes, the related alarm is also activated. In the case of no activation, the screens will display the value of 0.