Panasonic NVS7EG User Manual
Page 112
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Quick Reference Guide to the
indications in the Viewfinder
(11) Tape Counter/Elapsed Tape Time Indication (p. 38, 40)
,, , “0
:М2345''.;, М I
i i;
: :| •
•The elapsed tape time, in either shooting or playback mode, is : .I
tpdipated ip dopts., minutes aridseconds.
, »Biy pr,essipg¡the [BESET] Button, it isipossible to reset the tape I
counter to “0:00.00”.
•Vyhen a cassette tapeiis ejectpd, the tape counter is automatically
resetto “0:00.00’.
•To be able to play back a certain scene at a later time, press the
[OSD/M] Button at the beginning of that scene.
, ;
Whendhe [p^FFl Button or the [REW/Q] Button, is later pressed;, it is
possible to easiiyiocatethiSjScene-: ,
(12) Warning/Alarm Indications (p. 118)
, , ThefolIpwing indicationa ai'e.dipRiayed ,to inform about the conditions of
the Movie Canora.
, ii ,|:
(13) Tape Running Indications
Depending on the operation being currentiy performed by the Movie
Gamera, ORelpf the folio,vying,indications appears.
: :
Dunng PlaybapkiiP'93);:: ^ : ;i ;
Camera Search (in forward direction)
During Still Playback (p. 94)
, , ,
Camera Search: (in reverse direction),,
, ñ >■ Fast Forward/Cue Mode (p. 94)
(14) Shooting Mode Indications .
■ REC" During Shooting (p. 46) ,
“PAUSÉ” During Shooting Pause (p, 56)
During,.Snapshot ^hooting (p,,54)
' CHK”
During Ree Review (p. 48)
(15) Recording Speed Indications (p. 36)
“S-SP ■ Standard Play speed mode in the S VHS system
“S-LP” Long Play speed rpode inihe S-VHS system
“SP’i Standard Play speed mode in the VHS system
“LP” , Long Play speed mode in the VHS system
mode Can be changed by pressing the [S-VHS/SP* LP] Bijtton.
•The initial recording speed mode is “SP'.
(16) Manual White Balance Indications (p. 74,76)
In the Manual While Balance Ad]ustment Mode:
“WHITE” Indication flashes slowly . A d j u s t m e n t is not made.
.i'WHITE” Indication flashes rapidly . . . . . . While adjustment is being
' I
' '! i
:, “W.SÉT’,' indication isjlit . T h й б d j u s t r h e n t has been cornpleted.
In the Automatic White Balance Adjustment Mode (initial mode), , none,
of these indications is lit.
(17) Shutter Speed Indications (p. 70)
The desiied shutter speed can be selected by repeatedly pressing the
[SHUTTFR] Button. The numbers ]n the Shutter Speed Indieation show
fractions of a second, e.g. t;'120- 1.. 120th o'a second.
1 120.1/250.1.'SOO, 1;1000,1/2000.1/4000
•The initiai shutterspeOd is 1/$0jeec.:(no indication). ,:
(18) Manual Focus Indication (p. 78,80)
"MF" ("MF” means Manual Focus.) i, ,
:, Pressing the (FOCUS] Button will turn the Automatic Focus Mode on or
off. The “MF” Indication indicates that the Manual Focus Mode is
,; Í i i - ,
, |v
• Initially, the Auto;FdCúS:Modé. is selected (“lyiF” Indication,is of,f).
(19) High Sensitivity Indication (p. 66)
At every press of the ]GAIN UP] Button, the indication changes in the
following order; .
; ;
■ i , | |
! (10) ■
b a c k
ú p
¡(Í5)S-SP I
. .'3.1.. J
!(Î6) wsËt j
',(17)I1/'2Ô(18) MFj
1 (7.L ..Ì
■ ìM- 7 ..Vi .
¡(19) GÀIN"
no indication-^“GAIN x4”^“GAIN x8'
. -112-