Financial calculation screen basics -1-6, Financial calculation screen basics, I help tab – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 839: I format tab

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• While the cursor is located in a calculation box, you can press the calculator’s

key to

perform the calculation instead of tapping the button next to the box. Alternatively, you can
tap “Solve” in the status bar to perform the calculation.

I Help Tab

Tapping the [Help] tab at the bottom of a financial calculation screen will display help about
the box where the cursor is currently located. You can leave the [Help] tab displayed, and its
text will change each time you move the cursor from one box to another.
The [Help] tab also explains why a calculation cannot be performed if you tap a calculation
button premature.
To close the [Help] tab, tap it again.

I Format Tab

Tapping the [Format] tab at the bottom of a financial calculation screen will display all of
the default financial calculation settings (page 15-1-4) that apply to the currently displayed
calculation. You can use the [Format] tab to change the settings, if you want.
To close the [Format] tab, tap it again.


Financial Application Overview

Financial Calculation Screen Basics

Each calculation has a unique screen format.
This section provides general information that applies to the screens for all Financial
application calculations.

Help tab

Tap to display help about

the box where the cursor

is located.

Format tab

Tap to display a tab for

modifying financial calculation

default settings (page 15-1-4)

that apply to the current


Input box

Input/calculation box

Status Bar

Tap the status bar to change the format or solve a calculation.

Input values in the box.

Input values when required. For
calculation, tap the button to
the left of the box.