3 inserting data into an eactivity, Inserting data into an eactivity -3-1, Inserting a text row -3-1 – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 582: Inserting a text row

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10-3 Inserting Data into an eActivity

The following describes the four types of data you can insert into an eActivity.


Inserting Data into an eActivity

Inserting a Text Row

Text rows make it possible to display and edit text directly in the eActivity window. Text rows
can contain multiple lines, as well as mathematical expressions. A mathematical expression
contained in a text row is not evaluated. Pressing

, while in the Text Input mode, will

advance you to the next line without displaying results.


• You can also use the soft keyboard to input mathematical expressions into a text row.

S To select the input mode

(1) On the eActivity window toolbar, tap the fifth button from the left (U / ;) to toggle the

input mode between Text Input and Calculation Input.

Geometry Link Row
Use this row to insert data
that is linked with a Geometry
window figure.

Application data strip
The application data strip lets
you display a window from a
ClassPad application (Main,
Graph & Table, Geometry, etc.)
and use the window to create
data, which is inserted into the


Text Row
A text row can be
used to insert text data
and mathematical
expression text in
natural format. You
can also bold the text
in a text row.

Calculation Row
Use the calculation row to
insert any of the calculation
operations that are available
in the Main application.