Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 75

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I Single-character Variable Precautions

Your ClassPad supports the use of single-character variables, which are variables whose
names consist of a single character like “


” or “


”. Some ClassPad keys (

7, 8, '

keypad keys, math (mth) soft keyboard 7, 8, 9, : keys, 5 key set keys, etc.) are
dedicated single-character variable name input keys. You cannot use such a key to input a
variable name that has more than one character.
For example, pressing the keypad keys

7 and 8 in succession is interpreted by the

ClassPad as the multiplication expression “




”, and not as the characters “


”. In order to

input a variable name made up of two or more characters, use the alphabet (abc) keyboard.
For more information, see “Using Single-character Variables” on page 1-6-12.

I Creating a New Variable

The most common way to create a new variable is assigning a value or expression to the
applicable variable name. Use the variable assignment key (6) to assign data to a variable.


Variables and Folders

The following is an example of assignment to a variable while “main” is specified as the
current folder.

Example: To create a new variable named “eq1” and assign the expression 2


+ 1 to it

The following assumes that there are no variables named “eq1” or “


” currently in

the “main” folder.

S ClassPad Operation

(1) On the application menu, tap

to start the Main application.



. to display the soft keyboard, and then perform the following key operation.

A7@6 CO@U

• This creates a variable named “eq1” in the current folder (the “main” folder in this

example), and assigns the expression 2


+ 1 to it.

Assign key
This key is included on the math
(mth) and 2D soft keyboards.