9 using the interactive menu, Using the interactive menu -9-1, Interactive menu and action menu – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 218: Interactive menu example

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(3) Tap [Interactive], [Transformation], and then [factor].

• This factorizes the selected expression.

2-9 Using the Interactive Menu

The [Interactive] menu includes most of the commands that are on the [Action] menu.
Selecting a command on the [Action] menu will simply execute the command. With the
[Interactive] menu, on the other hand, selecting a command will display a dialog box
prompting input of the arguments required by the command’s syntax (when necessary).
The following are the differences between the [Interactive] menu and [Action] menu.

Interactive Menu and Action Menu

• With the [Action] menu, you select a command to input a function into the work area.
• With the [Interactive] menu, you drag the stylus across existing input in the work area and

then select a command. This encloses the highlighted expression with the command and
opens a dialog box if more arguments are needed.

• When you select an [Interactive] menu item without highlighting an expression first, a dialog

box will open prompting you for the necessary arguments.

• When a command requires multiple arguments, a dialog box appears prompting you for the

arguments with the [Interactive] menu.

• The [Interactive] menu has an “apply” command while the [Action] menu does not.
• The “DispStat”, “Clear_a_z,” and “DelVar” commands of the [Action] menu’s [Command]

submenu are not included on the [Interactive] menu.


• Operation of the following [Interactive] menu commands is identical to the same commands on

the [Action] menu.

[Transformation], [Advanced], [Calculation], [Complex], [List-Create], [List-Calculation], [Matrix-

Create], [Matrix-Calculation], [Vector], [Equation/Inequality], [Assistant], Define

• For information about using these commands, see “2-8 Using the Action Menu”.

Interactive Menu Example

The following example shows how to use the [Transformation]-[factor] command from both
the [Interactive] menu and the [Action] menu.

Example: To factorize the expression



– 3



+ 3


– 1

S To factorize from the Interactive menu

(1) In the work area, input the expression you want to factorize (



– 3



+ 3


– 1).

(2) Drag the stylus across the expression to select it.


Using the Interactive Menu