Sorting spreadsheet data -4-29, Sorting spreadsheet data – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

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Editing Cell Contents




• This will start the search and the cursor will jump

to the first cell found that contains a match for the
search string.

(5) To search for the next instance of the search string, tap [Search Again] on the [Edit]

menu or tap the toolbar q button.

• Each time you tap the [Search Again] command or the q toolbar button, the search

will jump to the next cell that contains the specified search string.

Sorting Spreadsheet Data

You can use the procedures in this section to sort spreadsheet data in either ascending or
descending order.

S To sort spreadsheet data using the [Sort] menu command

(1) Select the range of cells that contains the data you want to sort.

(2) On the [Edit] menu, tap [Sort].

• This displays the Sort dialog box. The [Range] box

will show the range of cells you selected in step 1.