Using the matrix-calculation submenu -8-33, Using the matrix-calculation submenu – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual
Page 193

S matToList
Function: Transforms a specific column of a matrix into a list.
Syntax: matToList (Mat, column number [ ) ]
Example: To transform column 2 of the matrix [[1, 2] [3, 4]] into a list
Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Create][matToList]
Using the Matrix-Calculation Submenu
The [Matrix-Calculation] submenu contains commands that are related to matrix calculations.
Using the Action Menu
S dim
Function: Returns the dimensions of a matrix as a two-element list {number of rows,
number of columns}.
Syntax: dim (Mat [ ) ]
Example: To determine the dimensions of the matrix [[1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]]
Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Calculation][dim]
S det
Function: Returns the determinant of a square matrix.
Syntax: det (Mat [ ) ]
Example: To obtain the determinant of the matrix [[1, 2] [4, 5]]
Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Calculation][det]