3 using the calculation history, Using the calculation history -3-1, Viewing calculation history contents -3-1 – Casio CLASSPAD 330 3.04 User Manual

Page 124: Viewing calculation history contents

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2-3 Using the Calculation History

The Main application work area calculation history can contain up to 30 expression/result
pairs. You can look up a previous calculation, edit, and then re-calculate it, if you want.

Viewing Calculation History Contents

Use the scroll bar or scroll buttons to scroll the work area window up and down. This brings
current calculation history contents into view.


Using the Calculation History

You can use the cursor keys to move to an input expression/calculation result within the
calculation history window.


• After the number of expression/result pairs reaches 30, performing a new calculation causes the

oldest calculation currently in the calculation history memory to be deleted.

Scroll button

Scroll bar